Checklists finder tool

How to deal with morning sickness at the start of pregnancy
Morning sickness can strike at any time of day or night, especially at the start of pregnancy.
2 mins to read

How to cope with first trimester anxiety
Suffering from first trimester anxiety? You’re not alone, 1 in 10 pregnant women experience this pregnancy symptom in their first trimester. Here’s how to keep the feelings under control.
2 mins to read

Questions to ask at your first prenatal appointment
Your first prenatal appointment is here! With so much going on, it helps to have a list of pregnancy questions on hand to ask your healthcare provider.
2 mins to read

Your checklist of prenatal testing questions
Baby health checks start before they’re even born. Here are some questions you may want to ask your healthcare provider about prenatal testing.
1 min to read

Questions to ask at your 12-week ultrasound
Finally, your 12-week ultrasound is here! This pregnancy ultrasound is an important one and is the most accurate way to estimate your baby’s due date.
2 mins to read

Your Maternity Leave and Parental Leave checklist
It might seem a while away, but ahead of the arrival of the new addition to your family, it’s a good idea to begin preparations towards your leave and to find out what you are entitled to.
2 mins to read

Baby names help
Need inspiration for baby names? Here comes the fun bit! You may already have a favourite name, or perhaps you’re waiting until you meet baby face-to-face.
2 mins to read

Working out your birth plan
Giving birth is less daunting if you have a birth plan prepared to help the day go as smoothly as possible. See our birth plan guide below.
2 mins to read

Your hospital bag checklist
Not sure what to pack in your hospital bag? We have put together a simple hospital bag checklist with all the essentials.
3 mins to read

Breastfeeding essentials
Planning to breastfeed but not sure what you’ll need? Here is a list of our first-time breastfeeding tips to help you prepare.
2 mins to read

Getting baby’s nursery ready
New parents may not know that safest place for baby to sleep for the first six months is in their bedroom and in a crib, cradle or bassinet that meets current Canadian safety regulations.
3 mins to read

Am I ready to give birth? Signs of labour checklist
You probably think it’ll be obvious when you go into labour, but every mom’s labour is different and it usually doesn’t happen like you’ve seen in movies.
2 mins to read

Understanding why babies cry
Wondering why babies cry? If you’re struggling to understand what your baby is trying to tell you, check this list for possible clues to help.
2 mins to read

Coping with baby blues
Many moms experience feeling of postpartum blues – sometimes called the “baby blues” soon after their little one arrives.
3 mins to read

Overcoming breastfeeding problems
Breastfeeding doesn’t always come naturally but with a bit of practice, perseverance, and a few pointers, it can get easier. Try these steps to help tackle breastfeeding problems.
2 mins to read

How to give a baby massage
Baby massages are a great opportunity for interacting with your baby and for skin-to-skin contact. Find out what to do with this baby tummy massage breakdown.
2 mins to read

Taking baby out for the first time guide
Taking baby out for the first time can be daunting. This checklist should help make it easy for all your baby friendly days out.
2 mins to read

How to put baby to sleep?
Babies love to sleep, eat, repeat. Right? Except the sleep bit can sometimes take work.
3 mins to read

Introducing baby’s first foods? Be prepared with this handy kit
Now the adventure really starts!
3 mins to read

How to start complementary feeding
Starting complementary feeding is an exciting time. Here are our top tips on how and when to start baby food from our resident dietitian.
4 mins to read

Baby immunizations—a parent’s guide
Immunization time—gulp! Your baby’s first injections can be upsetting parents and babies. If you are anxious, your baby may pick up on your feelings so try to stay calm.
3 mins to read

Bath time checklist: How to bathe a newborn
Washing a newborn for the first time can be nerve-racking as well as a lovely bonding moment. Follow our tips on how to bathe a newborn safely.
4 mins to read

Bathing hacks: How to give your newborn a sponge bath
Don’t worry about giving baby a bath in the first few weeks.
3 mins to read

Planning a baby shower checklist
A new arrival is definitely an excuse for a party.
2 mins to read