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Baby Name Generator for the perfect name for your baby girl or boy

Trying to find the perfect baby name? Get inspiration from our baby naming tool

Finding the right name to suit your little bundle of joy can be tricky. You can use our tool to search for baby names by simply choosing the gender you're after (or gender neutral if you don't know yet!), or select a name based on origin. Once you have found a few names you like add them to your profile, then as time goes on, you can come back and whittle it down until you're left with that perfect one!

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Aad \aad\ as a boy's name. Danish nickname of Adriaan, from Adrian. Baby names that sound like Aad are Aadi, Ad and Aed. Other similar baby names are Abad, Amad, Ard, Asad, Gad, Lad, Rad and Tad.

Aadi \a(a)-di\ as a boy's name is of Sanskrit origin, and the meaning of Aadi is "beginning". Hindi name. Baby names that sound like Aadi are Aad and Adi. Other similar baby names are Abdi, Amadi, Fadi, Gadi, Hadi and Tadi.

Aafje \a(a)-fje, aaf-je\ as a girl's name is of Dutch origin, and the meaning of Aafje is "one of the magical beings". Similar baby names are Aagje, Afra, Affra, Afua, Afia, Agie, Aja, Aju, Ajo, Angie, Ange, Anja, Aoife, Avalee, Ave, Avrie and Avice.

Aage \a(a)-ge\ as a boy's name is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Aage is "ancestor". Danish. Baby names that sound like Aage are Augy, Augie, Iago, Yago, Jago, Jake and Wake. Other similar baby names are Ange, Gage, Page and Sage.

Aagje \a(a)-gje, aag-je\ as a girl's name is a variant of Agatha (Greek), and the meaning of Aagje is "good, honorable". Similar baby names are Aafje, Agie, Aggye, Aggie, Angie and Ange.

Aakav \a(a)-kav\ as a boy's name. The baby name Aakav sounds like Achav, Yakov, Jakov and Iakov. Other similar baby names are Aviah, Avia, Achiav, Achava, Ahava, Akil, Adiv, Adeev, Aiken, Aykin, Ayken, Aikin, Akim, Akiva, Alfa, Alva, Alvah, Arv, Asaf, Ava, Aviv, Yaakov and Yacov.


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