Checklists finder tool
Understanding why babies cry
Wondering why babies cry? If you’re struggling to understand what your baby is trying to tell you, check this list for possible clues to help.
2 mins to read
Introducing baby’s first foods? Be prepared with this handy kit
Now the adventure really starts!
3 mins to read
Breastfeeding essentials
Planning to breastfeed but not sure what you’ll need? Here is a list of our first-time breastfeeding tips to help you prepare.
2 mins to read
Getting baby’s nursery ready
New parents may not know that safest place for baby to sleep for the first six months is in their bedroom and in a crib, cradle or bassinet that meets current Canadian safety regulations.
3 mins to read
How to help a picky eater
Wondering how to help a picky eater? Developing a palate takes time. So we’ve prepared a menu of useful tips to help turn your picky eater into a food lover.
1 min to read
Overcoming breastfeeding problems
Breastfeeding doesn’t always come naturally but with a bit of practice, perseverance, and a few pointers, it can get easier. Try these steps to help tackle breastfeeding problems.
2 mins to read
Baby immunizations—a parent’s guide
Immunization time—gulp! Your baby’s first injections can be upsetting parents and babies. If you are anxious, your baby may pick up on your feelings so try to stay calm.
3 mins to read
Coping with baby blues
Many moms experience feeling of postpartum blues – sometimes called the “baby blues” soon after their little one arrives.
2 mins to read
Taking baby out for the first time guide
Taking baby out for the first time can be daunting. This checklist should help make it easy for all your baby friendly days out.
2 mins to read
Disposable-diaper-changing routine
You’re going to do a lot of diaper changing over the next few months and years, so here’s a helpful diaper changing routine.
2 mins to read
How to soothe a colicky baby
Healthy babies cry. It helps them to express their needs and some babies cry more than others.
3 mins to read
How to help baby reflux
Baby reflux. It’s one of the most common symptoms in babies in their first year. Here are some baby reflux remedies to help prevent and ease the symptoms.
2 mins to read
How to cope with first trimester anxiety
Suffering from first trimester anxiety? You’re not alone, 1 in 10 pregnant women experience this pregnancy symptom in their first trimester. Here’s how to keep the feelings under control.
2 mins to read
A guide to family meals for toddlers
Wondering how you can enjoy family meals for toddlers? Eating together is a lovely way to bring everyone together and to teach your toddler about healthy eating.
2 mins to read
What to consider when choosing a daycare
Wondering how to pick a daycare to look after your baby? We have put together a list of some things to consider when choosing a daycare, from childcare costs to location.
2 mins to read
Your checklist of prenatal testing questions
Baby health checks start before they’re even born. Here are some questions you may want to ask your healthcare provider about prenatal testing.
1 min to read
Breastfeeding comebacks for unwanted questions
Fed up of everyone having an opinion on your breastfeeding? This list reads what NOT to say to a breastfeeding mom.
2 mins to read
Planet-saving tips for an eco-friendly baby
Saving the planet doesn’t have to stop because you’ve had a baby. Yes, they’re a teeny bundle of mess-creating, gadget-needing joy.
2 mins to read
How to provide a healthy toddler diet
A healthy toddler diet now can set your little one up for a lifetime of healthy eating. Here are some nutrition building blocks for the best food for toddlers.
2 mins to read
How to read baby cues and body language
From the moment they’re born, your baby has a lot to say.
2 mins to read
Your baby proofing action plan
Even though they won’t be mobile at first, it’s a good idea to baby proof your house before the big arrival.
2 mins to read
Next steps in baby’s solid foods adventure
Now that you’ve introduced baby to some new tastes and textures, you can start broadening their taste buds even further by offering a variety of healthy solid foods.
2 mins to read
Children’s dental care checklist
Looking after our teeth is a lifelong undertaking so it helps to get off to a good start.
2 mins to read
What to ask at my first well-child visit?
Your first well-child visit will be carried out soon after birth to ensure baby’s development is on track.
2 mins to read