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PLAYING: How to encourage baby’s first steps—in 10 steps

How to encourage baby’s first steps—in 10 steps

It can be exciting to watch your baby’s first steps—or at least, attempted steps. Here are a few ways you can help them when they’re learning to walk so they can make that giant leap for toddler-kind!

2 mins to read Oct 7, 2020
  • Tempt them with an interesting toy placed on a sturdy/heavy chair or on the sofa.
  • Encourage them to pull themselves up to reach it.
  • Standing up is often followed by a sudden bottom-plonk back down, so stay close by. (Luckily, diapers provide quite a bit of padding!)
  • If your baby’s standing confidently holding onto furniture, try holding their hands to see if they’d like to try walking a couple steps.
  • Alternatively, you could encourage them to “cruise” along – taking side steps while holding on to fixed, stable furniture.
  • A baby walker can help them start to practice walking away from the furniture.
  • Smile and give lots of praise and cuddles for all their attempts, successful or not.
  • When you think they might be ready you can kneel a couple of feet away from them and call them to you, holding out your arms and smiling with encouragement.
  • Once they’re walking fairly confidently make sure you re-check your home to make it safe from obstacles as well as things that were not in reach before. Have a look at our baby proofing action plan to ensure you’ve covered all bases.


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