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Meet Baby Nyles!

Meet Baby Nyles!


He’s the winner of the 2023 Canadian Gerber Photo Search, our second-ever Chief Growing Officer, and the newest Canadian Gerber Spokesbaby. Often called "the smiliest baby“, Nyles brings a smile to people's faces everywhere he goes, with his cute dimples, and funny facial expressions! We're so excited to see Nyles embrace his new role.

Where is Nyles from?

Nyles is from Whitby, Ontario

When is Nyles’s birthday?

Nyles celebrated his 1st birthday on January 9th 2023

What are some of Nyles’s favorite activities?

Nyles loves to Travel and has visited 8 countries so far! But his favourite place to visit is his Grandma and Grandpa’s house for ice cream. In his spare time, he loves to go to his local library and read books about diversity and dinosaurs! Nyles is also an aspiring musician and loves to play drums with his dad.

What is Nyles’s Favourite Gerber Food?

Don't let his toothless smile fool you, he loves to eat - EVERYTHING. His favourite Gerber food is the Gerber® Multigrain Cherries & Berries Toddler Cereal, especially since his mummy adds in fresh raspberries

Meet our Top 10 Finalists

Ben is a curious adventurer. He likes to army crawl to reach his toys and likes to eat foods even though he has no teeth yet!


Serena is truly a happy baby. Her ear to ear smile can brighten anyone's day. Her high energy and curiosity gets in the way of her naps.


Harper defies all odds, and has been a fighter from the start. Although she was diagnosed with a rare breathing condition, she has remained a light and warmth to everyone she meets, smiling her way through it all.


Grace has Down Syndrome, and even though she has had a rough start from birth, she hasn’t let that stop her from thriving and enjoying life. She is always happy and so much fun to be around!​


Mason is an inspiration for the IVF community and others in compromising situations to encourage families to keep trying! He continues to impress with his use of basic language.​


Amelia came into the world early because she’s an overachiever! She never fails in making others smile and laugh, especially when blowing bubbles or babbling.​


Adharv is a bundle of energy with a charismatic smile. He loves to be in nature and is always ready to tag along whenever the family goes out.


Henry was born on Valentine’s day with a heart condition, however he is doing amazing and loves to imitate silly faces!​


Thanks to Amelia’s Canadian and Egyptian heritage, Amelia can understand English, French and Arabic.​